EHR Your Way Training Videos
Hello and welcome to the EHR training videos!
Please watch the following videos for the EHR YW training session.
If you are newly associated with Senior Connections: Please watch all the videos. Once you have watched all the videos, please let Dr Ross know if you would like to schedule a time on the phone to discuss the system further as we want to make sure you have your questions answered prior to your start date. After you have watched the training videos, please send Dr Ross an email stating you have watched your training videos so you can get credit for the time you spent. You will receive the time indicated for the videos you are assigned to in addition to any in person training time. (Psychologists = 1.5 hours for online time, Therapists 1 hour for online time). You must communicate that you have completed the videos if you want to be compensated for watching the online videos.
Regarding Your Chromebook: Please make sure that the browser window is maximized or else the information may not display properly. Additionally, you must use the Chrome Browser with this software. If you are having display problems check your internet connection. You need at least 1-2 mbps upload and download which should not be a problem if you are connected on a wifi system. There should be a EHR-Home tab when you open up chrome on your chromebook. But if not here is the URL:
Your test client name will be: Test (Your Last Name) and they will be at LTC 1 as their facility. Feel free to play around with this test client if you want to “test drive” the new software. It is strongly recommended you attempt to complete a progress note so you can see how the software works after watching the videos. Psychologists should also consider completing a Psych Assessment to become familiar with how the new software operates. However, make sure to use the Test client only, as the other clients that may be listed on your dashboard will be actual people with actual charts.
About These Videos: The features in this software product are detailed across many of the videos. This repetition will hopefully assist you in learning how to use the software product. I would recommend you take notes on those features or functions that you find confusing as you are going through the videos. Chances are that the features you wish were explained differently or in more detail will be addressed in a different video.
All Staff Psychologists and Therapists – total time (47 mins)
1A – General Overview (8 mins):
1B – Dashboard (3 mins)
1C – Inbox (4 mins)
1D – Sticky Notes (6 mins)
2A – Timesheet (6 mins)
2B – View IVR and Referral Documents (3 mins)
2C - Productivity Report (6 mins)
2D- Chrome Remote Desktop Support- How to Install on your ChromeBook
3A – Diagnosis Field (3 mins)
3B – How to open a chart and document (8 mins)
3C – How to document an individual therapy session (6 mins)
3D - Voiding a Document Procedure vs Document Addendum (7 mins)
3E – How to Document Addendums (3 mins)
3F – Psychological Testing Forms (3 mins)
Alternate Caseload Therapists Only
4A – Alternate Caseload Procedures and Forms (8 mins)
Psychologists Only
5A – How to complete the Psychological Assessment (19 mins)
5B - Medication Import (6 mins)